
Westerhaven offers a wide range of specialist support services to those affected by cancer and long-term conditions such as COPD and long COVID. We also provide a service to relatives, carers, and friends of anyone who has received a diagnosis and who may need some support as well as anyone bereaved due to cancer.

Their services include:

  • A confidential and safe space to talk to our cancer support nurses about the emotional and practical impact of your diagnosis or that of a family member’s diagnosis.
  • Specialist information and support to help understand your diagnosis and what support you can access.
  • Counselling (including bereavement counselling), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and neuro-linguistic programming therapy (NLP)
  • Check-in-calls and 1:1 support
  • Group yoga therapy and gentle exercise classes
  • A group work programme, including courses on taking care of yourself, mindfulness, and anxiety management
  • Healthy eating advice
  • Referrals to specialist welfare benefits and money advice
  • Access to complementary therapies, including specialist massage

All their services are free and are available to anyone in South West Edinburgh aged 16 and over and can take place face-to-face, online, or by phone.

You can access their page using the following link: Westerhaven – The Health Agency

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